Kidney Awareness, Personal Post

Awareness Tip #6: Education

Good morning, lovelies! As National Kidney Month comes to an end, I thought today would be the perfect day to share my final tip of the month; education. They say knowledge is power, right? Then what better way to gain knowledge by educating yourself? Although I have been sharing many awareness tips, there are still so… Continue reading Awareness Tip #6: Education

Kidney Awareness, Personal Post

Awareness Tip #5: Living with Sick People

Good morning, lovelies. I know it's been a while, but I've been busy with work. On top of that, I'm battling the cold from hell. I'm coughing, throwing up, my body aches, and I'm exhausted. It's not just me though. EVERYONE in the house is sick, except for my dad. This situation leads me to today's… Continue reading Awareness Tip #5: Living with Sick People