Manuscript Mondays

Manuscript Monday 4:Work In Progress

Morning Lovelies! I think this is the first time I’ve ever drawn a blank for one of my posts. So today’s post is going to be extremely short. As you all know, I’ve been participating in my own personal 85k Challenge. This basically means that I’ve challenged myself to write 85,000 words over the span of 3 months. I must admit, although I’ve been writing vigorously I HIGHLY doubt I’ll meet that goal, and that’s okay. As long as I continue writing, that’s all that matters. So today’s lesson:  It doesn’t matter how long it takes you to reach your goal, as long as you reach it. Rome wasn’t built in a day.

2 thoughts on “Manuscript Monday 4:Work In Progress”

  1. Not that it isn’t a viable goal, but maybe you could break it up into smaller goals–especially if you are having doubts. If you can’t set an every-day goal, try something weekly or monthly to get you to your 85k goal. Good luck! I know you can rock it if you try!

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